Emergency Services
Emergency Services
Our Day Shelter is open Monday - Friday from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
When someone comes to the Mission their first stop is Emergency Services to meet their immediate physical needs. Guests can sign up for beds, eat three meals a day, take showers, and pick out fresh clothes as needed. Counseling from our staff is also available to discuss options regarding our recovery programs or other service providers in the area.
The Mission's Day Shelter is the place the homeless call "home" for the day. We serve between 200-300 individuals daily and we provide 142 beds daily.
Services provided:
Hot Coffee, water & pastries (9:30am)
Showers (for men in the overnight shelter)
Computer use
Metro bus passes
Mail service
Hot lunch (Mon-Fri, 11 am - 12:00 p.m.)
Dinner (6:00-6:45 p.m.)
Men’s clothing distribution Friday 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Social services/referrals upon request

Overnight Shelter
Bread of Life provides a safe and compassionate environment in which men (18+ years of age) can eat, relax, shower, and sleep. We have 141 beds (40 for emergency guests, 80 for LifePath residents 2 for staff). We provide sleeping mats for 32 additional men in the chapel. We strive to keep a family atmosphere for the men who come through our doors.
Chapel 6:30-7:10 pm (Thurs) — Chapel attendance not required
Hot dinner 6:00 pm (Mon-Sat)
Overnight bed sign-up 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm and 8:00-8:15 pm
Mandatory showers
Doors close at 8:30 pm
Do you have questions? You can call the Mission at (206) 682-3579 x 100 or email at info@breadoflifemission.org today.
We believe in having a relationship with Christ, and we offer evening chapel services to our interested guests. Services are at 6:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Evening chapel is facilitated by various Puget Sound churches and mission organizations.
Attending services are never mandatory for our guests, but they are always available to those that find comfort in attending them.