LifePath Program
We provide a flexible 1 year Christian Life Recovery Program that helps men (18 and over) develop tools to make realistic, achievable changes that lead to a better quality of life at no charge to the potential student. However, the cost to get the student through the up to 1 year residential program is $3,000 per month.
Through discipleship and teaching, participants learn how to make better life choices; we provide “Hope for Tomorrow” in a nurturing environment that reflects the love of God.
The Mission’s program doesn’t focus on just one part of a person’s life—we believe it’s important to affect a person’s entire life—physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social. We do this all without charge—there is never a charge to potential students.
It is an intense, comprehensive, Christ-centered program designed to help men understand why they struggle with addiction, homelessness, and other broken lifestyles—and what steps they need to take to rebuild their lives on a solid foundation rooted in God’s Word.
If you or someone you know could benefit from this program, please call Geurin Walton@ (206) 682-3579 x 114 to learn more or email program@breadoflifemission.org.
Connection: Participants learn they are not alone in their journey and begin to look at areas of their lives that need attention and cause triggers for destructive patterns of behavior.
Recovery Coaching: Participants begin to understand the source of their challenges and develop tools that lead to freedom. Healthcare: Participants begin to address physical and mental health challenges, legal issues, as well as trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).
Job Readiness: Participants are encouraged to take an honest look at their employment and educational, and through job readiness, work therapy, and education classes find ways to overcome potential employment obstacles.
Job Development/Career Center: Participants are given opportunities to develop work ethics, motivation, and learn what it means to be part of a team.
Life Skills: Participants are taught financial stewardship. Learning how to manage money and address real home/life challenges gives them tools they can use, so things like this do not become a trigger for relapse.
Decisions: Participants are encouraged to experience a real, authentic relationship with God that directs their life path. Mentoring: Participants develop peer-mentoring relationships that encourage their growth and provide accountability and a system of long-term support.
Counseling: Participants are encouraged to begin repairing familial relationships; indicative of changed behavior, expectations.
Alumni/Discipleship: Participants learn to develop and practice healthy relationships with family, friends, church, and work and find their place in their community.
Independent Housing: Participants work with internal Housing Coordinator to find appropriate, sustainable, independent housing after transition.
Retention & Aftercare: Participants explore life purpose and career fulfillment opportunities.
Recovery Coaching
Christian Counseling
Work Therapy
Addiction Education
Anger Management
Financial Planning
Marriage & Parenting Enrichment
Bible Classes
Grief & Loss
Computer Classes
Physical Fitness
Admittance and Participation Requirements:
Program admittance requires phone interview, application, followed by a face-to-face interview. If traveling from out of town, potential participants are welcome to stay in our emergency services shelter while completing the application process.
Climb a flight of stairs several times a day.
Get into a top bunk, if necessary.
Stand on your feet for an hour or so at a time, if necessary.
Mentally stable, able to cooperate and communicate with the staff, as well as with other students.*
Free of legal demands on your time.**
The likelihood that after the basic part of the program, the participant will be able to seek and secure full-time employment in the community.
*We have limited space for those participants under psychiatric or medical care, and certain medications are banned, regardless.
**All participants must be relatively free of legal demands on their time. We accept a limited number of participants on probation, parole or furlough, but only if their probation officer is willing to work within the program requirements. We receive no local, state, or federal funding whatsoever, and therefore are under no governmental constraints regarding how we operate.
Program Details
There is not a medical detox component to this program.
This is more than a substance-abuse program.
It is Christ-centered.
It is fairly rigorous.
This program requires participants to attend classes, meetings, chores, exercise, counseling, etc. on a daily basis.
Following graduation, participants can apply to live in the Mission’s Transitional Housing for a period of time at no cost to them as they establish a work history, build up a savings account, and begin the transition to independent living.
In their own words
The LifeChange students can tell you in their own words how the program has changed their life. Do you need help? Reach out to Geurin Walton today (206) 682-3579 x 114 to learn more or email program@breadoflifemission.org
We never refuse recovery services (day shelter, meals, clothing etc.) to anyone based on religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or ethnicity, thus our overnight shelter and LifeChange Recovery Program are available to all men, 18+, regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.