Job Title: Office Assistant
Purpose: Office Assistants help the Bread of Life Mission Team with administrative tasks and fundraising initiatives.
Work Location: The Bread of Life Mission’s Administration Offices:
219 First Ave S, Ste 305
Seattle WA 98104
Key Responsibilities:
Accurately input data into spreadsheets and the donor database.
Filing and general office support.
Produce Thank You letters in a timely manner for donations.
Assemble and mail Thank You letter and other on-going mail campaigns.
Proofread material before printing.
Fundraising projects.
Reports to: Volunteer Coordinator
Time Commitment:
Minimum 3-month commitment.
At least one shift every week. Day and time can be flexible.
Passion for helping others, in particular, people who are experiencing homelessness.
Excited about fundraising and nonprofit sector.
Willingness to receive and follow directions.
Flexibility to help wherever is needed.
Attention to detail.
Strong computer skills (Microsoft Office)
Sign the Volunteer Agreement / Release of Liability Form